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Bussiness directory

In category Disabilities you can find:


Disabilities, disabilities health care, disability medicine, services for people with disabilities, health insurance for disabled, health care for workers with disabilities, health insurance for children with disabilities, developmental disabilities health services, global disability and health care, disability assessment medicine, center for disabilities,medical disability advisors, health and disability medical information

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2, V. Zara
Medicine and surgery - apparatus and equipment, Medical and surgical instruments, Medicine and surgery - items and supplies, electromedical equipment, healthcare articles, transfusion centre equipmen...
+39 0302 422 468
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2, V. Bolzano
Lana (bz)
Hospital beds, Hospital furnishings, casualty stretchers, health equipment, trolleys for hospitals, first-aid and infirmary equipment, wheelchairs for the disabled, hospital cabinets, medical articles...
+39 0473552 611
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